As a Kansan, you know that our fall season is short-lived and we will be heading into the midst of winter before we know it! As we get prepared for the cooler season, don’t forget about your HVAC system. “Winterizing” HVAC systems is not common knowledge, so here are a few tips to help you get started!
First off, why is it even necessary to winterize your air conditioner or HVAC unit? Well, by winterizing the unit, you can help extend the longevity and efficiency of the system. Since you will be switching from A/C to heating, these steps can help keep it in great condition for next summer.
Clean the Unit
If your unit is outside your home, make sure to clean it out. Debris, dirt, and dust get trapped inside the until throughout the summer so make sure to remove it all. Removing dead leaves, twigs, and branches will allow your unit to work more efficiently the next time you turn on the A/C. You can also remove the dirt and dust by using a hose to spray the unit clean.
Let the unit dry completely and then cover it up! Using a tarp or some other form of protection can prevent more moisture and dirt buildup from remaining inside of the unit throughout the winter months. This also helps ensure the unit won’t get damaged during a winter storm.
Although cleaning out the unit is a significant step for winterizing, you should try to keep the unit clean all year long just to keep it working efficiently.
Replace the Air Filter
Filled with dirt and dust, air filters are full of pollutants that could be preventing you from a healthier home. Three to four times a year the filter should be replaced to prevent buildup from infiltrating your home’s air-flow.
Have a System Check-up
Most of the time, people only call us out when there is a major problem. To prevent those major problems, have a system check-up once a year. We can then ensure that your unit is ready-to-go for the winter, or fix any major problems with it before the weather gets too cold!
So, after you take the necessary steps of cleaning, covering, and replacing, give us a call for your pre-season check-up!